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DIY Baby Formula

Updated: Sep 19, 2020

So, recently I posted a DIY for the baby formula I have been supplimenting for my little one. There have been a lot of interest about the ingredients and how I make my formula.

First, let me mention that I still do breastfeed! There is no substitute for breast milk. However, when the supply does not meet the demand, and momma needs re-enforcements, we want the healthiest closest option we can find. For me it was this DIY coconut milk formula.

While I could give several reasons why I didnt want to give my baby a milk based formula let me just tell you the reasons why I decided to suppliment and why I chose this formula.

From the very beginning I had every intention to solely breast feed but, like my two kids before, it was not without trials and tribulations. Only difference is I wasn't so quick to throw in the towel and jump on commercial formula the third time around. I was determined, but my breastmilk supply did not keep up with baby's demand.

I first tried a non-milk based easy digestable baby formula for a week. My baby was suffering from a severe case of acid reflux and he would choke while milk would come through his nose. 😟 The formula would make it worse and my little one was in pain. We tried everything. Even adding cereal to keep the milk down. We were not interested in acid reducing medications.

After lots of research, I came across several formulas. Some of them had a lot of ingredients....I wasnt trying to become a chemist or mad scientist, I just wanted to feed my baby. 😕

After weeding through some of the more intricate recipes I found this coconut based one. The reason I chose coconut based formula.... Well, aside from its many nutritional attributes, it also mimicked breast milk in that it has lanolic acid and its a good source of fat for my little one too. Being that he was on the slimmer side of the scale in the 2 percentile for weight, his pediatrician was watching for his weight to increase. So it was a plus and plus for the coconut!

As for other vitamins and minerals that are important for baby's development, the inclusion of a little irish seamoss provides 92 out of 100 vitamins and minerals humans need...according to my research. It also claims to be a complete protein. I continued to research to make sure others who have used this supplimental formula had thriving babys.

After trying the formula for the first time, I noticed my little one had less and less acid reflux accurances and he started to gain weight. I was sold! I informed my pediatrician, not for his approval but, just for due diligence you know! I felt like any medicine a pediatrician may want to suggest could not be any better for my baby than the diy formula I was providing for my baby along with breastmilk.

Surprisingly, his pediatrition was amazingly interested, open and on board with the concept. My baby was thriving and healthy. No severe acid reflux no medications! He also seems to sleep a little better probably due to the fact he's full and not in pain.

I started this recipe when my baby was 1.5 months and he will be 4 months old in one week. He is getting about 2 or 3 / 4oz bottles of Diy formula each day along with breastmilk. I usually only give him the diy formula when he doesn't seem satisfied from his breastfeeding session.

So, while this is a great option for my baby! I urge you to do your research first before offering any alternative formulas to your infant. I am not a doctor nor am I an expert. I have listed the link to the recipe for the formula below along with the link to other recipes for DIY formulas.

1. 2 cups of alkaline water to a blender.

2. add the meat and water of 1 raw coconut to water in blender.

3. 1 teaspoon of sea moss to contents of blender.

5. Blend all contents of blender for approximately one (1) minute.

6. Pour contents through a strainer or cheesecloth (so as to only have liquid and no left over pulp substance) in a bowl.

7. Pour contents (milk) of bowl into a container.

8. Pour necessary amount into baby bottle.

9. Refrigerate leftover milk in glass jar or mason jar and use within 48 hours.

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